Antique jewelry is one of my passions. Old things hold such a dear place in my heart, and jewelry is no exception. While I would never turn my nose up at a brand new, shiny piece of bling, what always manages to catch my eye, are those vintage and estate pieces. Maybe it’s their time worn patina, maybe it’s that they’ve seen more than any of us can imagine, or maybe it’s just that their history and craftsmanship is intoxicating. Whatever it is, give me an Art Deco, Victorian, or Art Nouveau piece and you’re likely to make my heart swoon.
Using platforms like Twitter and Instagram, more and more people are getting online to sell beautiful antique, vintage and estate pieces. One of the many wonderful things about the internet, you can now spend hours getting lost in an auction catalogue or website from antique jewelry sellers around the world. With that in mind I compiled a list of some of my favorite sites to whittle my day away on. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
This was one of the first antique jewelry sites I discovered online. I can spend hours browsing their incredible selection of antique, vintage and estate gems. Located right in the heart of the diamond district, you can order directly online or make an appointment to view their amazing collection of beautiful things.
Fay Cullen is another site I’ve been browsing for years. They have incredible vintage, antique and estate engagement rings, as well as other types of pieces. They have a wonderful selection of truly spectacular Art Deco diamond rings. They take jewelry on consignment, so If you’ve got some pieces laying around that you’d love to turn into cash it’s worth contacting them.
Like Etsy, Ruby lane is an aggregate seller, that allows individuals to use it’s platform to sell their own wares. They are the preeminent site for vintage and antique stuff, from furniture, pottery and silver to fashion and dolls. I of course can spend hours browsing their incredible selection of vintage and antique wares. I also find that there are a lot of very affordable pieces, which is great for most of us, since nice jewelry can be cost prohibitive.
Another great place to browse gorgeous vintage and estate pieces is Fellows Auction. Located in the UK, they have some unique, and amazing finds. Their estimates tend to be on the low side, and you can usually snag yourself something gorgeous for not a whole lotta cash. You can login and place bids, and they will ship to the US and Overseas.
Do you love looking at these sites as much as I do?! Have a site that you absolutely love that I haven’t listed? Comment below and tell me all about it!